Our Staff
Chase Bearden
Executive Director
Chase is called upon for research, policy analysis, and recommendations to the Texas Legislature and state agencies on issues surrounding disabilities. Read full bio
Denise Ellison
Chief Operating Officer
CTD's day-to-day operations fall upon the desk of Denise Ellison.
Jolene Sanders
Advocacy Director
Jolene is called upon for research, policy analysis, and recommendations to the Texas Legislature and state agencies on issues surrounding disabilities, particularly those affecting children and youth, including special education and ECI. Read full bio
Yulissa Chávez
Policy Fellow
Yulissa's policy interests are in democracy, healthcare, education, and immigration. She specializes in education policy, specifically how Texas public schools are funded and how education affects a person's quality of life. Read full bio
Cole Glosser
Policy Fellow
Cole is focused upon research, policy analysis, and recommendations to the Texas Legislature regarding the prevention, treatment, and recovery of children and youth with disabilities and their families in navigating the mental health care system. Read full bio
Laura Perna
Communications Director
Laura manages CTD's communications, including reports and member outreach, supports the advocacy team, and oversees CTD's arts initiatives. Read full bio
Louise Ho
Communications Associate
Louise assists with CTD’s daily communications and the Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival.
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Kittrick Cuny
CDS Director
Kit assists his colleagues with special projects and assignments that fall out of the normal day-to-day operations of the Coalition.
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Laura Harrell
CDS Coordinator
Laura brings a diverse background and commitment to her clients to the CDS team.
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Glenn Erickson
CDS Coordinator
Glenn strives to provide excellent customer service to all of his employers and their employees.
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Dennis Borel
Immediate Past Executive Director
From 2000 to 2024, Dennis was called upon for research, policy analysis, and recommendations to the Texas Legislature and state agencies on issues surrounding disabilities. Read full bio
About Us
Our Staff
Based in Austin, CTD's staff is composed of dedicated individuals with and without disabilities.
Our Board
CTD's Board of Directors reflects the population of Texas in terms of types of disability, geographic representation, ethnicity, and income level.
Our History
Founded in 1978, CTD has grown to become the oldest and largest consumer-driven cross-disability organization in Texas.
Our Awards
Our work has earned praise from partners, clients, colleagues, and more.
Media Kit
Members of the media interested in leveraging our expertise or scheduling an interview about an issue or upcoming event are encouraged to contact Chase Bearden at info@txdisabilities.org.
Annual Report
Learn about last year's advocacy and organizing activities, arts and community events, and more in our detailed, easy to read annual reports.