CTD 2016 Annual Report Hit #10

CTD Top Ten Hits of 2016

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From our ongoing advocacy work and yearly events to the purchase of our new building, 2016 has been a huge year for CTD! Check out the highlights of our year in review. Formerly a guitar store, our sweet new digs inspired the music theme of this year's report.

10. Thank You for Being a Friend, CTD Cats and Dogs.

Against a bright green hedge, a group of seven men and women kneel or sit down with six dogs of various breeds and size. They're all facing the camera, except for that one dog who just can't ever cooperate sniffing at something. Dang it, Tater!

From left: William Greer, Cinnamon, Erin Jones, Patches, Rosie Williams, Dennis Borel, Rio, Ashley Mitzel, Jake, Denise Ellison, Tatertot, Tugboat, Laura Perna.

Like the small victories and coffee, the love of our pets keeps us going on the tough days. Our last hit of 2016 is dedicated to them: Rio, Jake, Wilson the Wonderdog, Paco, Mickey, Tatertot, Tugboat, Theo, Ripley, Cinnamon, Patches, Hank, Najm, Ajax, Cooper, and Melody.

Against a bright green hedge, a smiling man kneels down with his hands on a fluffy Australian Shepherd, who tongue is hanging out.

A man in running clothes and a visor kneels down to pet two small dogs, a terrier mix squinting with his head turned to the side and a pug mix with his tongue hanging out.

Against a bright green hedge, two women kneel down, one in profile, with a mutt, shepherd dog, whose front paws are spread out wide and tongue is hanging out.

Against a bright green hedge, two women kneel down, one holding a chihuahua with a disgruntled expression, the other with her hands around a grey and white with a floral bandana around its neck and ears perked up.

On a grey carpet, a brown and white mutt lays on his belly and noses a turquoise ball toward the camera.

Against a bright green hedge, a smiling woman kneels and holds two small dogs in her arms, a terrier mix and a pug.

A fluffy, medium-sized golden retriever mix dog is overflowing the lap of a man in a push chair. Both are smiling.