Our History

In 1978, a diverse group of disability advocates met in Houston, Texas with the goal of forming a statewide, consumer-run disability advocacy organization. These visionary Texans recognized that it was important for people with disabilities to have their own organization, a coalition that would work to break down the barriers to full inclusion in all aspects of society. The Coalition of Texans with Disabilities was born from this principle. The 1970s witnessed a surge of organization and activism among disability advocates across the country, but CTD is one of a handful that have survived to the present and even thrived.

Through our relationships with fellow advocates, our outstanding record of supporting public policy that benefits Texans with disabilities, and our commitment to innovating new programs and events, CTD continues to work toward a barrier-free Texas in the 21st century. Through our advocacy work, we have made substantial progress in Texas public policy the concerns people with disabilities. Since 1978, we have: