Our Awards


Friendship Award: Dennis Borel, for friendship and partnership in the 2023 Legislature and many years before.
Texas Advocates

Advocate of the Year: Chase Bearden, for his hard work in the 2023 Legislature on voter access.
American Council of the Blind of Texas


SXSW Community Service Award


Hometown Heroes: Kit Cuny, Rosie Williams, and Laura Harrell of our CDS Division, for exceptional service during the pandemic.
We Work for Health Texas

Nomination, National Rare Voice Award: Dennis Borel, for Patient Advocacy (State)
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)


Health Equity Hero: Dennis Borel, for leading the charge in Texas to ensure adults with disabilities have access to the preventive oral health care they need.


from a low angle, two men in suits sit side by side, one with his hand on the other's shoulder and both smiling at the camera. In the foreground sits an award- a square brick with a marble Texas-shape in one top corner- and a plate of food.Luminary Award: Chase Bearden, for his leadership and dedication to the life science industry in Texas (left, with fellow honoree Rep. Four Price)
Texas Healthcare and Biosciences Institute (THBI)




Certificate of Appreciation: Chase Bearden, for his advocacy work on behalf of Texans with disabilities
ADAPT of Texas


A formally dressed man speaking a podium holds a square brick with a marble Texas-shape up in the air.

Certificate of Appreciation, for exceptional service on the 25th anniversary of the ADA
A Resource Center for Independent Living (ARCIL)

Luminary Award: Dennis Borel, for his leadership and dedication to the life science industry in Texas (left)
Texas Healthcare and Biosciences Institute (THBI)




Three men in suits smile broadly at the camera. Two hold bronze, circular awards and the other grips a white cane.Barbara Jordan Media Award for Special Contribution by an Organization: The Autistic Brain: An Interview with Dr. Temple Grandin with Golden Arm Media (left, Alex Murphy of Golden Arm Media with CTD's William Greer and Dennis Borel)
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities



Honorable Mention, Best Use of Social Media for Cause Advocacy: Texas Medicaid Matters Campaign with 9Terrains
PR Daily

The award reads

Chairman's Commendation: Chase Bearden, for advocacy work in the 2013 Legislative Session
Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities

Agency of the Year (left, with Bryson Smith)
Personal Attendant Coalition of Texas (PACT) 



Close up of SAILS Advocate of Year wall plaqueAdvocate of the Year: Dennis Borel
Texas Parent 2 Parent

Advocate of the Year: Dennis Borel (left)
San Antonio Independent Living Services

Statewide Systems Advocate
Volar Center for Independent Living


Advocacy Award: Chase Bearden, for work on Respectful Language Bill.
Alliance of Texas Down Syndrome Associations

Barbara Jordan Media Award for Special Contribution by an Organization: Interview with Dr. Temple Grandin and a visit to Austin by the National Haitian Amputee Soccer Team Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities

President's Award in Appreciation of Outstanding Service: Chase Bearden
Texas Physical Therapy Association


Chase poses with TRA Award and DARS Commissioner Terrell MurphyNCIL Annual Advocacy Award for Region VI: Dennis Borel
National Council on Independent Living (NCIL)

TRA Legislative Award: Chase Bearden (left)
Texas Rehabilitation Association



Advocacy Award: Private Sector Cell Phone Accessibility Advocacy Project


Media Award: Legless Lizard Tour de Tejas Event Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities

Media Award: Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival & Short Film Competition Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities


ADA Champion Award
ADAPT of Texas

Best Public Affairs Campaign: VOTEXAS with Burson-Marsteller
Public Relations Society of America, Austin Chapter


Media Award: Capitol Ride '05
Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities

Media Award: Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities


Barbara Jordan Media Award for Special Contribution by an Organization: 1st Annual Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities

Media Award: 1st Annual Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities


Media Award: Team Everest '03
Dallas Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities

Barbara Jordan Media Award for News Article: Team Everest '03
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities

Barbara Jordan Media Award for Photojournalism: Team Everest '03
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities

Barbara Jordan Media Award for Special Contribution: Team Everest '03
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities

Partnership Award
Austin Mayor's Committee for People with Disabilities

20 Texas Accomplishments to Celebrate in 2003: Livable Communities cooperation with AARP
Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities